Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Some Freelance Designs

I have enjoyed being able to create art for my fellow authors and good friends. Hopefully, they have enjoyed them as much as I did in creating them.

and of course my own banner :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Up and coming

This is the cover that won me my very first position as a cover artist. Whispers Publishing is re-releasing several of their older books are are revamping the covers.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Pursuing my Dream

I have been actively pursuing my dream of becoming a cover artist and graphic designer for the past few months and feel that I am closer than ever and would like to share my progress with you. 

When I first started out, I was working with Gimp 2.6 program which is a wonderful program to start out on. It is completely free and is available for download at www.gimp.org.

I have to admit I had to watch scores of tutorials on You tube and discovered how much I enjoyed creating these and wanted to expand my abilities. So, I bought Creative Suites 5, got the latest Photoshop and a Wanco graphic tablet. The possibilities became unlimited. 

There is a satisfaction I get from creating artwork that I don't get from writing or editing.  Below are my creations. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did in creating them :)


Below are my earlier works using Gimp 2.6

Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think. I am happy to hear any suggestions and/or critiques :)
